Smudging is a spiritual practice that involves burning sacred herbs, such as sage or palo santo, to purify a person, space, or object, and to dispel negative energies.
Smudging is deeply rooted in Indigenous traditions of North and South America, where it has been used for centuries in ceremonies and rituals. Similar practices of burning herbs for purification can also be found in ancient cultures worldwide, such as in Hinduism, where incense is used in sacred rites.
In esoteric and spiritual practices, smudging is often performed to cleanse the energy of a space before rituals, meditation, or healing work. It is also used to reset the energetic field of individuals, removing negativity and creating a sacred environment.
Smudging can be incorporated into daily or weekly routines as a way to maintain energetic clarity. Practitioners can burn herbs like white sage, cedar, or sweetgrass while focusing on intentions of purification and protection. Offering gratitude to the plant being used is an important element of the practice.
Connection to Other Terms
Energy Work
Ritual Magick
Intention Setting
Sacred Space
Smudging aligns with the alchemical principle of transformation, using fire and air to transmute negativity into harmony. It encourages mindfulness and the conscious creation of sacred spaces for personal and spiritual growth.
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