Transcendental Magic
In Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual, Eliphas Lévi provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of Western occultism. The book covers the theoretical foundations of magic, including its philosophical, symbolic, and mystical aspects. Lévi explores key concepts such as the nature of the divine, the role of symbols and rituals, and the mechanisms of magical operations.
He delves into the history of magical traditions, the structure of occult knowledge, and the interplay between spiritual and material worlds. Transcendental Magic aims to offer both a theoretical framework and practical insights for understanding and practicing magic, making it a seminal work in the study of occult science.
472 Pages
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Since 2012, Angel has been mentoring new earth leaders to embody values rooted in esoteric wisdom, wholistic sciences, and spiritual depth. With hundreds of testimonials and daily gratitude from clients worldwide, she continues to guide a new generation in discovering their life paths and advancing with authenticity and integrity.
As a student of astrology and wholistic health since the early-nineties, she holds certifications in alchemical herbalism and has developed numerous esoteric methodologies including Life Path Astrology®, The Mythic City Method, and Inner Temple Magick. With this knowledge, she's overcome an incurable ailment cementing her gnosis in the esoteric arts and Western occult traditions.
Her personal healing journey not only reflects the transformative success of this knowledge, but also her notable morale and congruency in practicing what she preaches. Sacred Anarchy is a reflection of her deep commitment to fostering meaningful, lasting change in both herself and the world.