Life Path Astrology Reading® with Akasha Searcey

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Life Path Astrology® is a powerful tool to help answer some of your biggest questions around your life path and soul's work. In this private 1:1 reading, Akasha will answer your questions around your life path to help you gracefully move through soul contracts using Astrology. 
This is a private reading. Upon purchase, you will receive a PDF with a link to schedule your reading along with information she'll need to run your astrological birthchart.

• What life challenges you came here to work through that will lead you to your Divine Mission!

• What your natural gifts + abilities are so you can use them strategically to create a soul-based business around your Soul's Brilliance

• What problem you came here to help solve and how to heal your karmic debts
• What Ancestral Gifts you came here with and how to use them in your work

• Who your Kismet Client® is and what they are desperately searching answers for

• What products + services to offer your Kismet Clients® so they keep coming back for more

What your “secret sauce” is and when/how to pull it out of your hat at just the right time

• The key to your staying motivated to build your soul-based business so you never want to give up! 
Student of life, teacher of light. Devoted to the exploration of what it means to be human and present, to every single day of your life. She harnesses the gifts of yoga, nutrition, mindfulness, culture, adventure, emotion and life experience, to illuminate both where we are (not where we perceive ourselves to be) and where we can be (without our self imposed limitations). This truth is what Akasha calls: your level best and she is committed to helping her clients identify, achieve, and maintain it.

E-RYT 500, Life Coach, Retreat Leader, Workshop Facilitator, Public Speaker, Best Selling Author, Artist, Wanderlust Advocate, New Earth Leader, Consciousness Creator, Truth Seeker, Lover of Light, Healer, Modern Mystic, Space Holder for Awakening, and so much more. I used all the tools of 25 years of spiritual practice and development to help you awaken and ascend.
"Her translation and reading left me with one question- how did she know? Please, I highly recommend spending time with her as she interprets her astrological readings for you. Amazing, is the descriptive word for me. Akasha has a gift she is willing to share. Namaste." - CW

"This is so much amazing information and it all resonates with me. I cannot wait to dive deeper. How do I keep working with you on this as questions arise because this is immensely illuminating!" - LM

"My mind is blown. It's like Akasha just read my soul!"

♡ To learn more about Angel's Life Path Astrology® methodology using your astrological birthchart as an incredible tool to build a soul-based business, please check out the Life Path Astrology® Podcast available on iTunes and Spotify.
♡ Want to become a certified Life Path Astrology Reader®? Click here.