Life Path Astrology Reading® with Jamie Carroll

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Life Path Astrology® is a powerful tool to help answer some of your biggest questions around your life path and soul's work. In this private 1:1 reading, Jamie will answer your questions around your life path to help you gracefully move through soul contracts using Astrology. 
This is a private reading. Upon purchase, you will receive a PDF with a link to schedule your reading along with information she'll need to run your astrological birthchart.

• What life challenges you came here to work through that will lead you to your Divine Mission!

• What your natural gifts + abilities are so you can use them strategically to create a soul-based business around your Soul's Brilliance

• What problem you came here to help solve and how to heal your karmic debts
• What Ancestral Gifts you came here with and how to use them in your work

• Who your Kismet Client® is and what they are desperately searching answers for

• What products + services to offer your Kismet Clients® so they keep coming back for more

What your “secret sauce” is and when/how to pull it out of your hat at just the right time

• The key to your staying motivated to build your soul-based business so you never want to give up! 
Jamie is an Integrative Wellness Coach, Divine Soul Life Coach, Reiki Master, & Life Path Astrology Reader who works with hardworking freedom seekers struggling with insecurity, negative thinking, and overall life burnout by incorporating all aspects of the mind and body.

Jamie is here to help you create awareness so you can feel happy and in control; allowing you to be the badass CEO of your life physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually!

You are not broken. By looking at every aspect of you as a whole, she can begin to understand the circumstances that got you to where you are and support you in getting you to where you want to be with the right tools, techniques and action steps.

Jamie is here to empower you to remember and reconnect with your Sacred & Divine Truth and uncover your Soul's purpose as you navigate this human experience while here on Earth.

♡ To learn more about Angel's Life Path Astrology® methodology using your astrological birthchart as an incredible tool to build a soul-based business, please check out the Life Path Astrology® Podcast available on iTunes and Spotify.
♡ Want to become a certified Life Path Astrology Reader®? Click here.