Getting Intimate with Chiron - Guidebook

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Chiron symbolizes the strength of vulnerability, encouraging us to embrace the dark and thorny spaces of our past and take action. It represents our greatest wound and teacher. It also helps us define the "great teaching" we came here to help shape the new aeon.
This is the foundation to the concept of Kismet Client®.
A kismet client® is a concept created through the Life Path Astrology® methodology that represents the people you were born to serve. The kismet client® is an archetype found in your 12th house (not covered in thise guidebook) and represents the part of you that needs healing.
Through Chiron, you can begin the process of healing your deepest wound by serving your kismet clients. This workbook works best alongside the 2-part seminar: Heal Yourself and Your Clients With Chiron.
What's included in the guidebook:
  • A breakdown of all 12 house placements and their relationship to Chiron
  • A breakdown of all 12 zodiac signs and their relationship to Chiron
  • Exercises to help you decode your Chiron wound
  • Exercises to help you relate your wound to your Kismet Client®

This guidebook is anyone who is looking to get to know WHO THEY ARE on a deeper level using the cosmos.

How to Use This Guidebook: Read through all the pages and then reread. After each section, contemplate and meditate of what you've just learned. Allow yourself to see deeply into your psyche and "what hurts". Relate this pain to Chiron and decode its invaluable karmic lessons.

41-page pdf

PART 1 : Chiron and the Houses
PART 2 : Chiron and the Zodiac Signs
PART 3 : Chiron and Your Wound
PART 4 : Chiron and Your Kismet Client®
* You must already have your birthchart. This guidebook does not show you how to run your birthchart. Recommended: Run your birthchart for free on prior to using this guidebook.

Our approach harmonizes spiritual (sulphur), physical (salt), and mental (mercury) well-being, incorporating nature’s elements and alchemical practices to create balanced and potent products.


We honor the significance of traditional occult practices and esoteric principles, invoking their magick and sacredness. This also extends to fostering animals in need of forever homes as our way of giving back. 


We are dedicated to delivering introspective and illuminating knowledge rooted in esoteric innerstanding, challenging superficial understanding, mass-production, and surface level healing.


We are committed to creating transformative experiences that facilitate personal and spiritual growth, integrating practical application of esoteric knowledge to offer wisdom that serves and transcends.


Since 2012, Angel has been mentoring new earth leaders to embody values rooted in esoteric wisdom, wholistic sciences, and spiritual depth. With hundreds of testimonials and daily gratitude from clients worldwide, she continues to guide a new generation in discovering their life paths and advancing with authenticity and integrity.

As a student of astrology and wholistic health since the early-nineties, she holds certifications in alchemical herbalism and has developed numerous esoteric methodologies including Life Path Astrology®, The Mythic City Method, and Inner Temple Magick. With this knowledge, she's overcome an incurable ailment cementing her gnosis in the esoteric arts and Western occult traditions.

Her personal healing journey not only reflects the transformative success of this knowledge, but also her notable morale and congruency in practicing what she preaches. Sacred Anarchy is a reflection of her deep commitment to fostering meaningful, lasting change in both herself and the world.