September 18, 2024Mental Alchemy: How to Work with Talismans & The Principle of Polarity
Mental alchemy, a cornerstone of Hermetic philosophy, involves the transmutation of negative thoughts and emotions into positive states, akin to turning lead into gold.
The Illusion of Success
Magick is strictly reserved for those doing their True Will and no one’s True Will is to manipulate the minds of man because True Will is tied to our Higher Faculties and when you access these higher faculties your motivations are always for the greater good.
The Occult Secrets of Healing
By honoring the sacred traditions of the past and infusing them with intention and creativity, readers are invited to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing that transcends the limitations of conventional medical approaches.
Lower Self Enslavement
The uncomfortable truth is that personal responsibility and recognizing the role of the ego in our lives are essential for transcending the challenges of the world. Ego death is presented as the pathway to a metaphorical "Garden of Eden" or eternal life, where the individual can escape the cycle of negative emotions associated with egoic identification.
What Is The Occult?
Though 'the occult' is commonly used as an adjective meaning hidden or concealed, when I refer to The Occult, I am using it as a noun to describe a “field of study” that holds significant purpose in unlocking the secrets to life. When studying The Occult, an esoteric comprehension of our complex world and individual existence, things start to unravel.