October 18, 2024
You Are Science

Understanding the true nature of the Qliphoth dispels fear associated with the Nightside and the microscopic world. The realization of being an extraordinary technology capable of developing intelligence through higher faculties and spirit communication leads to transformative shifts. 

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True Awakening vs The Sleeping State

The notion of a "great awakening" often leads us into an illusion, as true awakening involves a continuous process of enlightenment, transforming man into a genuine Man. The two states of awakening and sleeping are likened to the two sides of a coin, where individuals experience moments of awakened consciousness until they retreat back into the slumber of unawareness. 

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Alchemy and Astrology

Alchemy and astrology serve as powerful tools for comprehending and transcending the intricacies of one's sacred being. Much like the rhythmic cycles inherent in all aspects of life, each individual possesses their unique rhythm and cycle. The initial 9 months spent in the womb, drawing nourishment from both the earthly mother and Mother Gaia, inevitably results in inherent weaknesses or deficiencies in the sacred temple. These deficiencies manifest in various forms, such as digestive issues, allergies, emotional disturbances, or mental struggles.

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Energy: The Currency of Life

Focusing on Energy as the vital currency of life, it becomes evident that without it, one risks a zombified existence, akin to a spiritual death. Becoming a metaphorical zombie involves squandering life force energy by giving away personal power, succumbing to triggers and defensiveness, supporting reactive causes, obsessing over information without implementing change, and identifying problems without recognizing solutions.

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Personal Responsibility Leads to Self-Rulership

In a society conditioned to prioritize others over oneself, the facade of philanthropy often conceals ego-driven motivations. The pressure to conform to an image of altruism can leave individuals questioning their true identity beyond societal expectations. The deeper exploration of individual aspirations unveils a sincere desire for personal growth, healing, and self-rulership. It challenges the notion of being solely defined by service to others and prompts introspection into individual well-being. 

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Anger and The Group Mind

Often stigmatized as taboo, emotions are seen as either friends or enemies in this transformative method. By maturing the inner demons or decans, individuals learn compassion and foster a healthy relationship with their emotional landscape. Departing from the group mind mentality that deems certain emotions as toxic, this method advocates for embracing all aspects of oneself, unlocking hidden occult teachings and gifts. 

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Emotions Are a Healing Aid

In a society influenced by the suppression of emotions and an emphasis on perpetual positivity, there is a collective sickness that pervades the psyche of humanity. The neglect of our emotions, seen as an alert system, has led to severe damage to the human psyche. The esoteric technology of the human body, akin to a divine temple, reflects the truth even when the mind attempts to convince otherwise. The alchemical process of healing requires acknowledging and caring for these emotions, avoiding numbing strategies like drugs or distractions. 

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A Kismet Client® is a Mirror

Embracing the concept of a kismet client, distinct from a regular customer, is integral to the Sacred Anarchy movement. Unlike businesses that focus on attracting "ideal customers", a movement's primary objective is the leader's continuous evolution. The kismet client, residing in the 12th house of one's astrological birth chart, represents the subconscious and acts as a mirror to reveal blind spots. This dynamic exchange facilitates perpetual growth for both the leader and the kismet client, uncovering deeper aspects of the subconscious mind. 

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The Path of the Magician

The path of the magician is an internal journey of recalibrating the subconscious mind, distinct from waiting for external signs or spiritual experiences. Unlike those who seek confirmation or validation, a true magician embodies the elements and understands that the universe is a field governed by Natural Law. Living in alignment with Natural Law means not seeking signs but having a deep knowing of one's Divine Will. Magick, in this context, is not learned through external sources but is an internal gnosis. 

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