October 18, 2024
Lower Self Enslavement

The uncomfortable truth is that personal responsibility and recognizing the role of the ego in our lives are essential for transcending the challenges of the world. Ego death is presented as the pathway to a metaphorical "Garden of Eden" or eternal life, where the individual can escape the cycle of negative emotions associated with egoic identification. 

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True Anarchy is Sacred Anarchy

The ego wants to “win” at all costs. It cares not if there is a better solution, one that requires peace, walking away or opting out, because it wants to fight because it wants to win. There is a reason anarchy groups have jarring energy — because most of them are lead by egos.

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The Ego, The Will, and Magick

Unlock the secrets of your divine purpose through the practice of magick. Discover the profound connection between magick and the strengthening of one's Will. Your Will, synonymous with your divine purpose, holds the key to your destiny. The futility of forcing or faking one's Will, as it inevitably leads to dissatisfaction and unfulfillment. Working with ego, rather than aligning with the Will, is highlighted as a common pitfall, resulting in a perpetual sense of wanting more.

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What Is The Occult?

Though 'the occult' is commonly used as an adjective meaning hidden or concealed, when I refer to The Occult, I am using it as a noun to describe a “field of study” that holds significant purpose in unlocking the secrets to life. When studying The Occult, an esoteric comprehension of our complex world and individual existence, things start to unravel.

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Desire vs True Desire

When you release "desire", your Divine Will is shown to you which then births a new kind of Desire: To KNOW THYSELF. You can self-diagnose your level of “knowing thyself” by taking a closer look at what you desire. Desire is the key that will open the doors that were once closed.

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Healing: A Personal Journey

Healing is a very personal journey and one that can be very difficult in our modern day. Seeing that there is a pill or prescription for every symptom under the sun, these “medicines” are far from natural. In fact, most medicines today are synthetic versions of their natural counterpart.

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High Priestess and The Trivium

Magick is your birthright, yet most people have no idea what magick really is or how to use their own. In fact, the majority of people are walking this planet allowing others to control their minds — and thus, controlling the outcomes in their lives. When someone or something is controlling you, you give away your magickal rights.

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Create a High Vibrational Home

If everyday is an opportunity to use our magick, then doesn't it make sense to amplify its potency by creating a magickal temple? Your home isn’t just a place to raise your kids, prepare meals, or even a nest to get those much needed zzzz’s. Your home is a sacred space for magick to work through you, so you can bring your inner vision into the manifest world. Your home should be a ritual.

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