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The Mystical Significance and Healing Power of the Belly Button
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The Mystical Significance and Healing Power of the Belly Button

The navel or belly button, often overlooked in everyday life, holds profound significance within the realm of Western occultism. Far more than a mere physical reminder of our biological beginnings, the belly button is revered as a sacred symbol of life, creation, and spiritual connection.

This seemingly simple part of the human body is imbued with deep esoteric meanings that bridge the physical and metaphysical, reflecting the intricate relationship between the individual and the cosmos. As a central point of energy and a focal symbol in mythological and alchemical traditions, the navel represents a gateway to understanding the mysteries of existence.

In Western occult traditions, the navel is considered a vital energetic center, often linked to concepts of the microcosm and macrocosm, where the human body mirrors the universe. 

This sacred spot is associated with the Divine Feminine, embodying the principles of birth, fertility, and creation.

From the ancient Greek Omphalos at Delphi, the earth's navel and a direct link to the divine, to its role in alchemical symbolism, the navel's importance transcends cultures and epochs.

By exploring the mystical significance of the belly button, we can uncover deeper insights into our own spiritual nature and the interconnectedness of all life.

Let's explore this more deeply.

Why is the belly button considered sacred?

In Western occultism, the belly button, or navel, is considered sacred for several reasons, deeply rooted in symbolism, mythology, and for its energetic significance.

1. Center of Life and Creation

The navel is often seen as the physical reminder of our connection to life and creation. It represents the first connection we had with life through the umbilical cord, linking us to our mother. This idea extends to a broader spiritual concept of connection to the source of all life, making the navel a potent symbol of birth, nourishment, and creation.

2. Energetic Center

In many esoteric traditions, the navel is viewed as an important energy center. Similar to the concept of the Solar Plexus chakra in Eastern philosophies, Western occultism considers the navel to be a point of power and energy. It is a center where vital energies converge, affecting physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

3. Symbol of the Microcosm and Macrocosm
The navel is often used as a symbol of the microcosm within the macrocosm. Just as the navel is the center of the human body, it represents the central point of the universe in occult philosophy. This reflects the Hermetic principle of "As above, so below," suggesting that the human body is a reflection of the larger cosmos, with the navel symbolizing the connection between the two.

4. Connection to the Divine Feminine

The navel is closely associated with the womb and the Divine Feminine in Western occult traditions. It symbolizes the creative and nurturing aspects of the feminine principle, embodying the mysteries of birth, fertility, and the cycle of life. This connection to the Divine Feminine adds a layer of sacredness to the navel, honoring it as a gateway to life and spiritual growth.

5. Mythological Significance

Western mythology often places the navel at the center of sacred stories. For instance, the ancient Greeks considered the Omphalos (navel) at Delphi to be the center of the world, a sacred stone representing the earth's navel and a direct link to the gods. This mythological significance underscores the navel's role as a focal point of divine connection and spiritual insight.

6. Alchemical Symbolism

In alchemy, the navel can be seen as a symbol of transformation and the philosophical "prima materia," the fundamental substance from which all things are created. The navel, as a central point, represents the beginning of the alchemical process, the birthplace of spiritual and material transformation.

What is Navel Pulling?

Navel pulling, also known as "navel therapy" or "umbilical pulling," is an ancient practice involving the gentle manipulation of the area around the navel to stimulate and balance the body's energy flow. This technique is rooted in various traditional healing systems, such as Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine, and is used to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

How Does Navel Pulling Work?

Navel pulling, an ancient practice with roots in various traditional healing systems, offers a unique blend of physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. This wholistic technique involves the gentle manipulation of the navel area, aiming to stimulate nerves and blood vessels, improve digestion, and enhance the function of nearby organs. As the navel is centrally located in the digestive system, its stimulation through navel pulling can significantly alleviate constipation and support overall digestive health, making it a valuable practice for maintaining physical well-being.

Beyond its physical benefits, navel pulling is deeply intertwined with esoteric and energetic healing traditions. The navel is considered a crucial energy center in many spiritual practices, particularly those involving the Manipura (Solar Plexus) chakra. By balancing and harmonizing the body's energy flow through this practice, individuals can release stored emotional blockages and trauma, leading to profound emotional healing and stress relief.

Additionally, the navel's connection to the sacred seed (in Bethlehem), underscores its spiritual significance. Through regular practice, incorporating intention and visualization, navel pulling not only fosters personal power and self-esteem but also promotes overall spiritual growth and well-being.

+ Stimulation of Nerves and Blood Vessels: The navel area is rich in nerves and blood vessels. Gentle pulling or massaging can stimulate these nerves, potentially improving blood circulation and enhancing the function of nearby organs, particularly those involved in digestion.

+ Digestive Health: The navel is centrally located in the digestive system. By stimulating this area, navel pulling is thought to improve digestion, alleviate constipation, and support overall digestive health.

+ Energy Flow and Balance: In many esoteric and traditional healing practices, the navel is considered a crucial energy center. Manipulating the navel area is helps to balance and harmonize the body's energy flow, which can enhance vitality and overall health.

+ Release of Emotional Blockages: The practice is said to help release stored emotional tension and trauma. By working on the navel area, practitioners you may can unlock suppressed emotions, leading to emotional healing and stress relief.

+ Connection to Bethlehem (*see Chrism Ritual): In esoteric traditions, the navel is associated with the Manipura (Solar Plexus) chakra (or Bethlehem) where the sacred seed sits for 2.5 days, which governs personal power, self-esteem, and digestion. Stimulating this chakra through navel pulling can enhance spiritual growth and physical well-being.

Practical Application:

  1. Preparation: The practice typically begins with a relaxed state, often achieved through deep breathing or meditation. This helps in focusing the mind and preparing the body for the therapy.

  2. Technique: The actual technique involves gently pulling or massaging the area around the navel. This can be done with fingers or a specialized tool. The pressure applied is usually light to moderate, ensuring comfort and avoiding any potential harm.

  3. Intention and Visualization: Practitioners often incorporate intention and visualization into the process, focusing on the desired outcomes such as emotional release, energy balancing, or physical healing.

  4. Regular Practice: For best results, navel pulling is performed regularly. Consistent practice can lead to cumulative benefits, enhancing overall well-being over time.

Navel pulling is a wholistic practice that combines physical stimulation with energetic and emotional healing. By gently manipulating the navel area, practitioners aim to improve digestion, balance energy, release emotional blockages, and enhance spiritual growth. Whether rooted in traditional healing systems or modern wholistic practices, navel pulling offers a unique approach to achieving greater self-awareness and well-being.

How to Perform Navel Oil Pulling

Navel oil pulling involves applying oil to the navel to harness its purported healing properties. This ancient practice offers various health benefits, including improved digestion, detoxification, and overall well-being.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to perform navel oil pulling:

Materials Needed:


Select an oil based on your specific needs. If desired, gently warm the oil to body temperature. This can enhance absorption and provide a soothing sensation. Ensure the oil is not too hot to avoid burns.

Find a quiet, comfortable place to lie down. You may use a pillow to support your head and a towel to protect your clothes from any potential oil spills.

Using a dropper or a clean cotton ball, apply a few drops of the chosen oil directly into your navel. About 5-10 drops are usually sufficient.

Gently massage the navel area in a circular motion using your fingertips. This helps the oil to penetrate and stimulates the surrounding nerves and tissues.

Allow the oil to sit and absorb for about 15-20 minutes. You can use this time to meditate, practice deep breathing, or simply relax.

After the absorption period, use a clean cloth or towel to gently wipe away any excess oil from the navel area.

Drink a glass of warm water to aid in the detoxification process and rest for a few minutes to fully integrate the practice.


  • Improved Digestion: Stimulating the navel area can help enhance digestive functions and alleviate issues such as constipation and bloating.

  • Detoxification: Oils like castor oil can aid in drawing out toxins from the body, supporting overall detoxification.

  • Enhanced Absorption of Nutrients: The navel is connected to numerous veins and arteries, potentially improving the absorption of nutrients and overall circulation.

  • Emotional and Energetic Balance: The practice can help release stored emotional tension and balance energy flow, promoting emotional healing and well-being.


  • Consistency: For best results, perform navel oil pulling regularly, such as daily or a few times a week.

  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds and adjust the frequency or type of oil as needed.

Navel oil pulling is a simple yet powerful practice that integrates physical, emotional, and energetic healing. By incorporating this ancient technique into your routine, you can support your overall health and well-being in a wholistic way. 

Why You Should Be Navel Pulling

Navel pulling is considered essential for the occultist and mystic seeking deeper self-knowledge due to its profound impact on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. This ancient practice, rooted in various traditional healing systems helps to unlock the body's vital energies, facilitating a deeper connection to one's inner self.

By stimulating the navel, practitioners aim to balance and harmonize the energy flow within the body, which can lead to heightened awareness and insight into one's subconscious mind. This practice helps in unblocking emotional and energetic stagnation, allowing for a clearer understanding of one's true nature and hidden potentials.

For the mystic and occultist, navel pulling serves as a tool for spiritual awakening and transformation. It aids in the release of suppressed emotions and traumas, promoting emotional healing and inner peace. This practice is also linked to enhancing intuition and psychic abilities, as the navel is considered a powerful energy center that connects to the deeper layers of consciousness.

By incorporating navel pulling into their spiritual routines, occultists and mystics can achieve a more profound self-awareness, aligning their physical and spiritual selves, and paving the way for greater personal growth and enlightenment.


About the author


I'm Angel, a practicing occultist, herbalist, holistic health practitioner, and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. I'm incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve the archetypes found in their mythic city so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE.

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